Our Little Sparrows Podcast

How Do I Honor My Baby On International Wave of Light Day? SE1 EP2

Geoff & Toni Brabec Season 1 Episode 2

Are you looking for a special way to celebrate the life of your baby? Today we are going to share with you an amazing annual event that takes place on Oct. 15th., The International Wave of Light. We will share with you (5) ways you can participate in this unique and special event.

We are in the month of October which is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. This is a time where our bereaved community can come together in various events whether local or online to remember our babies. It is a time to bring to light the significant impact pregnancy loss has had on many many people and the resources that are out




STILL BIRTHDAY - Birth and Bereavement Doula








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are you looking for a special way to celebrate the life of your baby today we're going to share with you an amazing annual event that takes place on october 15th the international wave of light we will share with you five ways that you can participate in this unique and special event let's get started hi we are toni and geoff brabec founders of our little sparrows pregnancy and infant loss support if you would like to know more about us and our organization please click the link in the description below we are in the month of october which is pregnancy and infant loss awareness month this is a time where our bereaved community can come together in various events whether local or online to remember each of our babies it is also a time to bring light to the significant impact pregnancy loss has had on many many people and the resources that are out there one of the ways to bring awareness is the international wave of light on october 15th every year everyone around the world is invited to light a candle at 7 p.m your own local time in remembrance of a baby who has died thus creating a wave of light across the globe it is a beautiful sentiment that anyone can participate in from anywhere so here are five ways that you and your family can participate in wave of light whether you're able to light a candle or not so tip number one share your baby's story share on a blog a social media post um youtube video even tony and i have actually done all three we i've also seen um parents do different variations of uh posts so some parents will just post once and they'll say their baby's name and um usually the the date that they uh passed away um other parents will actually tell a little bit more of their story which is really neat um i mean either one is as special um but i also enjoy seeing uh people talk about the different um you know stages some people were diagnosed ahead of time for their pregnancy and then that leads up to the loss of their baby and other people they start from the day they lost their baby and how that impacted them which i think is really special um and some people go into great detail which is i think helpful for a lot of people yes tip number two highlight a resource that was significant help to you it's hard to find the right resources when you're in the midst of dealing with the loss of your baby the more we can share about the resources that helped us through the more awareness we can create to hopefully make searching a bit easier for the next family this resource can be a book a website an organization or an individual person it could be a nurse a physician doula or even just someone that you know that was a significant help to you yeah i think what's really neat in our community too is some people actually become the author right amy lands i think is a really good example um she has written uh multiple yeah multiple books so you can say that it's not like 20 books but she's written multiple books on it which is really neat and then there's other people that have created other resources you yourself became a birth and bereavement doula so that's very um that's available too i mean people people uh become the resources that we needed right um at the time so tip number three share about what made you feel most supported now um this is going to benefit lots of people it can even benefit yourself i know a lot of people just don't know what to say or they do it's usually one it's one or the other they either know or they don't know so it's good to share you know what what was beneficial for you and what was not beneficial both sides of the spectrum are equally valid and at the end of the day i think it also serves a personal you know direct purpose for yourself and your friends and your family now they know what you are needing and what you're looking for tip number four donate money or time to an organization that supports families of pregnancy and infant loss create your own pregnancy and infant loss awareness ribbons obviously for yourself but maybe even for friends and family and we've seen a lot of different variations of this um although what is consistent are the colors uh it's gonna be pink and blue for infant loss um or pregnancy infant loss awareness month but um i've seen people do all variations of ribbons um for vehicles for shirts but um something that i've seen that's fairly common uh is uh writing the baby's name on the ribbon and the date uh of the loss so that can be done with um you know you know t-shirt paint craft paint and permanent markers so you can look online google it you'll find lots of different variations and options so there are many ways that we can bring awareness to pregnancy and infant loss the most important part of it is the remembering and honoring of our babies who have died we hope you found this episode helpful and as always we want each and every one of you to know that you are not alone that you are loved your baby will always be cherished and we are here to support you in any way that we can.