Our Little Sparrows Podcast
Join Geoff and Toni Brabec as they walk the road of Pregnancy and Infant Loss head-on. Together they faced an early pregnancy diagnosis of a life-limiting condition that would ultimately turn fatal. On October 5th of 2013 which happens to be their 5th wedding anniversary, the Brabec's welcomed and also said goodbye to their first-born daughter Olivia Hope who was born at just 33 weeks. Through their nonprofit, "Our Little Sparrows," Geoff and Toni seek to walk alongside expectant mothers that have been given a life-limiting and/ or fatal diagnosis before and after their pregnancy no matter the outcome. CA-501(c)(3)Nonprofit #87-2481699
19 episodes
Is Healing Possible After The Loss of Your Baby? SE2 EP19
Do you believe that healing is possible after the loss of your baby? The definition of healing can be elusive as most of us are so overwhelmed in the midst of our grief. Today we are talking about what healing IS and what it might look like in ...
Season 2
Episode 18

What Are Some of The Myths of Grief? SE2 EP18
What messages and tools have you been taught to deal with death and loss? Are they helpful? Today's podcast discusses the different myths surrounding grief. We also address whether these myths are helpful tools when dealing with death, loss, an...
Season 2
Episode 18

What is Grief!? SE2 EP17
Can you define what grief is? How do you know when you are grieving? Do you know how to deal with grief so that you can get over it? Today, Geoff and Toni Brabec are going to define what grief is, how you know you are grieving, and what steps y...
Season 2
Episode 17

What Is The Grief Recovery Method? SE2 EP16
Today, we will introduce to you the Grief Recovery Method and share with you what it is. The Grief Recovery Method is a structured program that teaches you the tools not taught to us in our childhood needed to understand what grief really...
Season 2
Episode 16

How Do You Know When You Are Ready To Help Others Through Their Grief? SE2 EP15
Today we will talk about (4) items to consider before helping others with their grief. You may be at a point of your journey where you are asking yourself, “Am I ready to start helping others create a pathway to find healing and hope from their...
Season 2
Episode 15

How can telling your story and sharing about your baby bring healing and hope? SE2 EP14
How do you heal while grieving the death of your baby? In this week's podcast, we reveal how telling your story through sharing about your baby can bring about hope and healing. CONTACT US!===============================
Season 2
Episode 14

What Does A Good Support Network Look Like While Grieving? SE2 EP13
Geoff and I (Toni) are sharing how connecting with others and creating a network of support can help you find hope in healing after the loss of your baby. ***If you are dealing with difficult feelings and emotions from th...
Season 2
Episode 13

Grief, Your Brain and Your Body. SE2 EP12
Today, Geoff and I are going to discuss how grief can affect your brain and your body and what you can do to help yourself think and feel more clearly. Have you ever felt like you’re living your life in a fog? Do you have difficulty...
Season 2
Episode 12

What Do you Say or Do for Someone Who Has Just Lost A Baby? SE1 EP11
If you’re not sure what to say to someone who has just lost their baby or are wondering if you should even say something at all, we’ve got #5 tips for you on what you can say or do to show your support.WHERE TO LISTEN:==========...
Season 1
Episode 11

(5) Ways To Honor Your Baby This Christmas Season. SE1 EP10
What Can You Do to Honor Your Baby and Your Grief this Christmas Season? In this episode we are going to discuss (5) ways you can honor the life of your baby and your grief this Christmas season.WHERE TO LISTEN:=================...
Season 1
Episode 10

Worldwide Candle Lighting Day/ (5) Ways To Participate in WWCLD. SE1 EP9
Join us today as we share why it is important to remember your baby. We also have (5) unique ways to participate in honoring your child during the Worldwide Candle Lighting Service this year. Will you be lighting a candle in the memory ...
Season 1
Episode 9

What Does Our Little Sparrows Do? SE1 EP8
What does OLS do exactly? How do we support families experiencing or anticipating pregnancy or infant loss? In this episode, Geoff and Toni Brabec, the founders of Our Little Sparrows, are going to share with you (4) ways that they support fami...
Season 1
Episode 8

Siblings Grieve Baby Loss Too // Bereaved Sibling Awareness Month SE1 EP7
The month of November is Bereaved Siblings Awareness Month. The purpose is to bring awareness in acknowledging the reality that siblings grieve, each child grieves differently and, that they too need support when processing the death of their b...
Season 1
Episode 7

Thanksgiving and Secondary Losses After Baby Loss SE1 EP6
You may be asking yourself why Thanksgiving and other holidays are so hard in times of grieving. One reason might be because you are reminded that your life is different after the death of your baby. Additional losses or "Secondary Losses...
Season 1
Episode 6

Who Is Our LIttle Sparrows? SE1 EP5
Today we (Geoff and Toni Brabec) share with you "who" we are as an organization. Our Little Sparrows was created from our personal journey of baby loss. The services that we offer are specific to our experience and are based on a lack of suppor...

How Do I Face Halloween After The Loss of My Baby? SE1 EP4
In this episode, we have (5) Solutions for those facing the challenges that Halloween can present! Whether this is your first Holiday Season as a parent of baby loss or not, we face some or all of the challenges talked about in this week's podc...
Season 1
Episode 4

(5) Special Tips On Getting Through The Holiday Season With Baby Loss. SE1 EP3
(5) Special Tips To Help You Through The Holiday Season. Are you dreading the fast-approaching holidays after the loss of your baby? Would you rather hide out in your room and not come out until after January 1st? No matter how happy the season...
Season 1
Episode 3

How Do I Honor My Baby On International Wave of Light Day? SE1 EP2
Are you looking for a special way to celebrate the life of your baby? Today we are going to share with you an amazing annual event that takes place on Oct. 15th., The International Wave of Light. We will share with you (5) ways you can particip...
Season 1
Episode 2

How Do You Remember Your Baby That Died? SE1 EP1
Are you finding it difficult to think of ways to remember your baby? With October being Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month it can be especially stressful to think of ways to honor your baby that died. Today Toni and I (Geoff) talk ...
Season 1
Episode 1